Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good For You?
1min read
Lots of people swear by taking a shot of apple cider vinegar each morning to help digestion, hair and nail growth and general moods. But does it work, and is it actually good for you?
What is apple cider vinegar and why do people drink it?
Apple cider vinegar is vinegar made from the juice of apples that have been fermented. It has been used as a home remedy for many years, as people believe it can be used to help maintain or lose weight, as well as help strengthen nails, hair and keep skin taut.
Does it work? Is apple cider vinegar good for you?
There are actually no studies that prove that apple cider vinegar has any nutritional value or does any of the things mentioned above. Though it is considered safe to drink, it is believed that it could have an adverse effect on your teeth and throat since it is so acidic, so it is suggested that if you do drink apple cider vinegar, it shouldn’t be taken neat but rather diluted with water. It could otherwise damage tooth enamel. So, though it is popular for people to drink apple cider vinegar, it doesn’t necessarily work, nor is it particularly good for you.
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By Toni Olukiran
Toni is one of our lovely Content Marketing Assistants, and when she’s not writing posts about everything from Jamaican cooking to vegan champagne, she’s making a Spotify playlist (she was at 200, at her last count) or playing tennis in the park.
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